Installation of the Siemens I&C Security CA Certificate for the Java 2 Runtime Enviroment [4/6]


The HiPath 4000 administration applications require several privileges during execution. To grant these privileges, install the Siemens I&C Security CA Certificate in your Java Plug-in.


Installation status of the Siemens I&C Security CA Certificate related to the Java Plug-in:

This Java applet requires Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition, v1.3.1 and enabling of Active-X controls and plug-ins for execution.

  • If a green check () appears, the Siemens I&C Security CA Certificate is installed properly and you may proceed with the next preparation step.
  • If a red stop sign () appears, you have to install the Siemens I&C Security CA Certificate.


Press the button below to install the certificate into the Java Plug-in.